Submit an idea or script

Farset Films are passionate about telling a diverse range of stories – and are especially interested in working with those who have a contrasting life experiences to our own.

We especially welcome submissions from anyone who identifies as a woman or those who have first-hand experience of living as a woman (including trans* individuals) and those within the LGBTQ+ communities, non-white communities, immigrant writers, and writers with additional needs or disabilities.


***We are not seeking projects in relation to any open NI Screen Short Film funding calls.***

However, we are willing to read unsolicited ideas and scripts for live-action short films only for development. Scripts may be in any genre that meet the following criteria:

A chinese-irish woman sits on a chair looking out of the window. The room is full of Chinese cultural objects.
  • the main character has first-hand experience of being a woman - this may include cis-gender women, trans* men or women, and/or some non-binary/gender-fluid individuals OR

  • the writer has first-hand experience of living as a woman - this may include cis-gender women, trans* men or women, and/or some non-binary/gender-fluid individuals; AND,

  • the writer must have been born in Northern Ireland or be a current resident in Northern Ireland; AND,

  • Stories must be set in Northern Ireland or be able to be filmed here.

Scripts should be no more than 10 pages in length.

If you have a compelling idea but no experience writing screenplays, you can either write a short, one-page pitch or record a short 1-2 minute video outlining your idea and vision for the film – or contact us to discuss it.

We are not concerned with your level of experience as a writer as we can support you to develop the script and expect all our writers to work with us to craft the best script possible from their idea and to ensure that it fits within the ethos of the company. 

If you would like to direct your own work you need to have made at least one short film previously. This does not have to be a funded project.

Along with your script or idea, please tell us about you and your writing experience and anything else you feel relevant to your ability to tell the story.


We are willing to consider documentary projects that fit within the ethos of our company and meet the following criteria:

  • the director must have been born in Northern Ireland or be a current resident in Northern Ireland; AND,

  • the director has made at least one previous short film; AND,

  • Projects must be set in Northern Ireland.

Email your submission or an enquiry to: 

We will not consider unsolicited scripts/ideas outside these criteria for development or production.

If your work or life-experience does not fall within our criteria and you are looking for a Northern Irish production company to work with, we suggest contacting Christine Morrow, the New Talent Executive at NI Screen who may be able to direct you to another company. 

We are NOT accepting any unsolicited feature film or television projects – all such submissions will be deleted unread.